YAD December Impact: Village Shalom

Join Jewish Federation's Young Adults Division (YAD) for our December Impact event!

Tuesday, December 17 | 6:00 pm

Meet us at Village Shalom to see the new art exhibition in the Epsten Gallery, sample hors d’oeuvres from the new menu at Rachel’s Cafe, and meet with residents and board members!

We'll also hear from David Spizman, Village Shalom’s Director of Philanthropy & Community Engagement, who will talk about the partnership between Village Shalom and Jewish Federation.

This event is free. Please register by Friday, December 13th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Becca Graham at [email protected].

Ben Gurion Society Host: Bob Gershon
YAD Impact Chair: Jay Gilman

YAD's Impact series is a chance to learn more about what Federation is, who we support and how your gifts help our community thrive. The Impact series is hosted by Federation's Ben Gurion Society, a young philanthropists giving society within YAD.

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